Import Overview Page
The Import page contains the files imported during the upload and their extracted data and preview images in their respective import folders. Your most recent import is displayed at the top and is already open. In the import folder, you complete the asset attributes and thus make new assets in the Media Pool module or you create all files contained in the folder as versions of already created assets. If duplicates are detected during the upload, you identify them in the Failed tab of the import dialog or track them later in the log section of the import folder. Please refer to Import Area for a comprehensive overview of the available functions.

The assets contained in the import are initially displayed in a gallery view. You can switch to the list view. The log area is located under the button ⋮ More functions. If problems occur during import, these are recorded in detail and displayed in the log.
The import overview provides you with details about the import folder. You can see the folder's name, who owns it, who uploaded it, and the size of the files inside. You'll also be able to monitor the progress of processing. To make things even clearer, there's a colored circle that indicates the status of the folder or each file.
The editing functions are displayed in the toolbar appearing under a multiple selection and in the ⋮ menu for each individual imported asset. You use them to complete the asset attributes and then make the file available as an asset in the Media Pool module.
The following list covers the most common uses and post-import operations, starting with the default scenario and moving through various filtering options and methods for selecting assets.

This is the most common use case, which is why your last import is always at the top. The basic steps for opening the import are:
Click > Media > or click the button in the file import dialog directly after an upload has finished.

This is a useful option for regularly recurring imports under the same name. Enter the name or substring of an existing import folder in the Folder Name field in the import dialog. Only import folders that you have created previously will be listed as results. Select the desired import folder to continue uploading to that folder.

It is standard that only imports that have not yet been processed are displayed. The
filter is therefore preset when opening the imports overview. If you are currently in a different filtered view, clicking the filter allows you to only select assets that have not yet been edited. Depending on your user permissions, you can also access and edit imports from other users by activating the filter.Note
You can use the search field and the filters in the toolbar to narrow down your search. The search function only looks for import folder names, not file names.

The shift-click selection from Asset A to Asset B is useful for selecting a larger number of related assets. See Completing the Attributes of Several Assets at Once and Completing the Attributes of Multiple Assets One by One.

As an alternative to the area selection for non-contiguous assets, you can select several assets individually or click on individual assets after the area selection and remove them from the selection.
Either click on the assets you want to select one after the other, or directly click on the + icon at the bottom of each asset tile. This allows you to select multiple assets without having to select an entire area. Note: The multiple selection also works across several import folders after you have expanded them by clicking on their name.
The assets you have selected are marked with a checkbox.
Click the pencil icon with the Edit button in the footer of the window and select a function.
See Completing the Attributes of Several Assets at Once and Completing the Attributes of Multiple Assets One by One.
When browsing imports, assets can be selected for further editing by clicking on their preview images. In most cases, this is easier than clicking individually on the small + symbol at the bottom of each asset tile.